About Us

Welcome to Abbots Road United Reformed Church
We are a friendly, vibrant Christian church with something to offer everyone. Our main times of worship are on Sunday, but during the week there are opportunities for people of all ages to get together and enjoy each other’s company. Within this website there is information to help you get to know some more about us.
Our mission statement:
“Abbots Road United Reformed Church is a community of people who seek through Christian worship, witness and service, to share God’s love with all people. We seek to follow the example of Jesus in reaching out to and welcoming everyone, whoever they are; so that, together, we can continue life’s journey faithfully and thoughtfully with God.
What is the United Reformed Church?
The United Reformed Church has brought together English Presbyterians, English, Welsh and Scottish Congregationalists, and members of the Churches of Christ, through unions in 1972, 1981 and 2000. It has declared itself a multi-cultural church, rejoicing in the gifts of members from across the world and seeks to hold together a wide variety of theological understandings; the valuing of different insights helps the church understand the wonder of God.
As such we always strive to be as inclusive as possible offering a welcome regardless of colour, ethnicity, gender, ability, sexual orientation, language, culture, and age.
Hire of the hall and other rooms:
Lettings are only made for Saturdays after 2:00pm.
Main hall (80 people) £25.00 - per hour.
Small hall (35 people) £15.00 - per hour.
Please contact Mr. Roy Hadley on 0116 260 9113 for more information.
Sunday Services
10.45 am Morning Worship, with COGS (Junior Church). Refreshments are served in the hall after each service. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month.
4.00 pm MESSY CHURCH: held on the second Sunday of each month. Fun, Crafts and Fellowship for all the family with worship time followed by refreshments .
See news and events for other special services held throughout the year.
All ages are welcome to all our services.