Anniversary and Celebration Tea 2021
Our new Minister Martin and his wife Charlotte arrived in Leicester during Lockdown, so Martin’s Ministry didn’t begin in the normal way. He wasn’t able to go to visit anyone from the Abbots Road congregation, he wasn’t able to lead worship in church or have face to face Elders’ or Church Meetings. We did, however, have worship and Elders’ meetings online using the medium of Zoom. Another thing we couldn’t do was to welcome Martin and Charlotte to the church in the usual way, that is by having a ‘Bun Fight’. There were also several members of our congregation who had significant Birthdays or Anniversaries and weren’t able to celebrate. So, we decided that when the Lockdown was over or restrictions were eased, we would have a big celebration.
That celebration was held in church last Saturday (30.10.21). Just in case you think we were reckless to have a gathering before Lockdown is fully over, we were very careful in our preparation, we are still aware that there is a need to keep everyone at church safe by keeping to certain restrictions e.g., wearing a mask, sanitising hands and keeping a distance, food (sandwiches and biscuits) was wrapped and served in individual plastic bags. But that didn’t spoil our fun, as you’ll see from the photographs, we had our food, a quiz organised by Paul and Alison Hadley, a song written especially for Martin and Charlotte by Dorothy Russell.
Martin and Charlotte were given a gift, also as a welcome to them. They are a real blessing to Abbots Road Church sent to us by God.
We now go froward, with Martin at the helm, taking up opportunities and any challenges we may face, knowing we are guided by God’s Holy Spirit.