Each year we select a charity to support through regular retiring collections and fundraising. This year our chosen Charity is Rainbows. You can find out more about Rainbows by clicking on this link https://www.rainbows.co.uk/
In addition, Abbots Road Church supports local charities. The money raised from serving coffee after each Morning Worship each week is given to assist different local charities or causes as determined by the Church Meeting.
Also, on Communion Sundays retiring collections are taken at both services for the Church's Nominated Charity. The Charity is agreed by the Church Meeting usually for a period of one year, at the end of which the amount collected is sent to the Charity concerned.
Each year Abbots Road supports Christian Aid in a variety of ways such as Fellowship lunches, coffee mornings, retiring collections. The Church also takes part in Commitment for Life (through Christian Aid), supporting the work of Sylveira house in Zimbabwe to which we send our 1% Christmas day Offertory.
Other charities regularly supported:-
Children In Need through our Pilots group fundraising in November each year.