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First and foremost we hope you and your family

are well, healthy and safe.                      

We will soon be entering yet another week of

lockdown, another week of not being able to meet

together, at church in fellowship, as Messy Church. 


Staying occupied with the family within the home is important, therefore we have created this special area for Messy Church. It is fully of crafts, activities, ideas and challenges, which we have included links to various other websites. Some activities require printing so apologies in advance if you do not have a printer but there are plenty which do not require printing.

Please remember your home schooling comes first but maybe you will find something on our website which is useful for your spare time or the weekend.


Some of you would have taken on our Facebook Easter challenge, well you can find your creation by Clicking Here. If you are not on our Facebook then please join Abbots Road Messy Church Facebook page.


Don’t forget to regularly check this website for updates on challenges.

Meanwhile, we look forward to seeing you at Messy Church, hopefully, sometime soon.


Be assured that you are in our thoughts and prayers.


God Bless,

Stay in touch

Let us know what you have been upto by posting a message on our facebook for Pilots.

Challenge 1 Work of Art

Be as creative and colourful with any work of art of your choice. Search the internet and just print off a black and white copy of any positive message like those featured on this link Messy Church work of art

Take a photo of your finished work of art and post it on our Pilots Facebook page.

Challenge 2 Street art on your driveway.

How about this for a challenge can you create some street art on your driveway click here for inspiration:-

Challenge 3 Memory Box

Think about memories you have as a family especially during the coronavirus period and place items which symbolise those times in a memory box; these could be photos, pictures, objects, or words. Create a special memory box to keep your items in, then keep this somewhere safe such as the attic or somewhere you will forget about it until much later in life.

Challenge 4 Create a new musical instrument.

Create your own musical instrument, this can be from anything that is not already a musical instrument. Take a photo and post it on our facebook page.


Challenge 5 Create a brand new game.

Create a brand new game which can be played by two or more people (the more the better), Try and be as original as possible. The winning game we will play at Pilots when we return.

Other resources

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© 2018 Abbots Road URC

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