
With your help we have created three short videos all related to Remembrance.
The first video is Gaz Hadley playing bugle. On 11th of 11 at 11am Gaz will stop and live play the last post on his bugle followed by a two minute silence, followed by the Revallie’. He has recorded this in advance, so you are able to join him wherever you are. We will pause to remember those who have given their lives to allow us our freedom. Alternatively you can play this at a time convenient to you.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Laurence Binyon - from “For The Fallen”
The second video is a collection of Remembrance crafts created by Abbots Road Pilots and Messy Church families to remind us to strive for peace in our community, country and world. The music is a time for reflection and the words are a prayer.
The third video is a reminder that we are thinking of you and remember all our Pilots and Messy Church families. This reflects our time together with images you have sent us. We certainly look forward to the day we can meet in person again.
And finally a big thank you to all those who sent us photos
of their crafts and families which have gone into making the videos.